The Pit's Story

     Back when I was just starting high school (late '80's
), I used to hang out with my then best friend Les Sparks. He eventually moved to Phoenix, and we lost contact with each other. But when we hung out, we quite often ended up partying with a group of friends out in the desert at night. Our favorite hangout spot was a ditch-like area to the side of a huge wash. This place was somewhat sunken into the ground, and was littered with boulders. The whole area was surrounded by trees, but was clear enough overhead to have a fire-pit in the center. We called this place The Rock Pit. When I started my internet radio station (mid 2001), my first thought was to call it The Rock Pit in honor of my former hangout. However, I felt that this would give the impression that it was a classic rock station, so I went with The Pit. It still seemed an appropriate commemoration, and at the same time was appropriate for the type of music I play (music you can mosh to). There are many stories connected with this place, and if anyone is actually interested, e-mail me and I will post one on this page.